
Online Courses

Our Courses ideal for individuals who want to learn more about their current or prospective position and quickly "fill the gap" without embarking on a full education course. We cover the new FICA requirements under our Risk Management and Compliance Programme and our Regulatory Preparation programmes are inclusive of the changes as found in BN194 of 2017.

These Courses are focussed on providing corporate financial services professionals with "on-the-job" training and information. Our Virtual-Campus has over 100 short courses covering a wide array of financial services topics from FICA to FAIS to CoB to the Basics of Investing and How to Analyse Series to more complicated derivatives courses and much more.
ONLINE courses are delivered entirely online; the course material and all assessments are accessed over the the Internet. Course content may also be downloaded, but all courses tests must be completed online. Register (free) here for Online Courses.
CourseFree ComponentDescriptionPrice
FICA (Financial Intelligence Centre Act)
Risk Management & Compliance Programme A Risk Based ApproachThe FICA Online Course includes the latest information on the FIC Amendment Act.R 350.00
FAIS (Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services)and RE
FAIS: First Level Regulatory Examination Acting as FAIS RepresentativeThis Course details how to Execute the Required Actions as a Representative in Terms of the FAIS Act. It is designed to prepare the candidate for the First Level Regulatory Examination.R 750.00
FAIS - Key Individuals Acting as a Key IndividualThis Course details how to Execute the Required Actions in respect of Key Individuals in Terms of the FAIS Act. It is designed to prepare the candidate for the First Level Regulatory Examination.R 750.00
CPD (Continuous Professional Development)
Ethics in a Business Environment CPD – Ethics in a Business Environment A CPD course including 4 components covering applied business ethics.R 475.00
Managing Workplace Relationships Managing Risk in the WorkplaceCPD Course that focuses on maintaining effective working relations so that an atmosphere of productivity is encouraged.R 200.00
Factors that Impact Short Term Insurance Current Affairs in Short-term InsuranceCPD Course that focuses on changes in the financial services industry and how these impact STI.R 200.00
CoB (Class of Business)
Class of Business - Health Service Benefits Overview of the SA Health Care PolicyCoB– Health Service Benefits - A CoB course including 10 components covering health service benefits R 500.00
Class of Business - Investments and Securities The Basics of Investment InstrumentsA class of business, including 9 components exploring Investments and Securities R 800.00
Class of Business - Participatory Interests in Collective Investment Schemes Establish a Relationship with the clientA Class of Business Course, including 12 Modules exploring the Participatory Interests in Collective Investment SchemesR 500.00
Class of Business - Pension Fund Benefits Retail Pension and Pension Fund BenefitsA Class of Business Course, including 10 Components exploring the Pension Fund BenefitsR 475.00
Class of Business - Long Term Insurance Long Term Insurance ActClass of Business Course, including modules and components exploring the LTI Act and the related LTI sub classesR 500.00
Class of Business - Long Term Insurance Credit Life Insight into Aspects of the LTI Insurance ActClass of Business Course, including modules and components exploring the LTI Act and the related credit life sub class. R 500.00
Class of Business - Short-term Insurance - Commercial Lines RE2 Determine the Commercial client’s need for insuranceClass of Business - Short-term Insurance - Commercial LinesR 500.00
Class of Business - Short-term Insurance - Personal Lines RE2 Determine the Personal client’s need for insuranceClass of Business - Short-term Insurance - Personal LinesR 475.00
Class of Business - Short and Long Term Deposits CoB Course, exploring the nature, workings and structuring of short and long term depositsClass of Business - Short and Long Term DepositsR 500.00
Class of Business - Structured Deposits CoB Course, exploring the nature, workings and structuring of structured depositsClass of Business - Structured DepositsR 500.00
Introduction to Trusts Trust TypesThis course is made up of three components consisting of an introduction to trusts and trust types, reasons to set up a trust and trusts and tax.R 300.00
The "How to Analyse" Series How to Analyse an Oil CompanyThis unique series gives investors or analysts a concise but comprehensive 25 - 75 page recipe on “How to analyse”, for specific industries falling under: Mining, Financial, Commerce and Industry. 21 individual Components are currently available with new companies being added frequentlyR 11,500.00
Investing in Equities Part # 1 - Introduction to Equity InvestmentsIntro to Equity Investments, Asset Allocation, Share, Stock Market and Industry Analysis, Equity Stock Selection, Technical Analysis, Equity’s Price Multiples and Discounted Cash Flow ApplicationsR 1,015.00
The "Basics of" Series Introduction to Equity InvestmentsThis series covers the basics of the major investment instruments, including bonds, equities and derivatives.R 3,600.00
Macro Economics Taking the Nation's Economic PulseAggregate Supply and Demand, Keynesian Foundations, Fluctuations, Unemployment, Inflation, Fiscal Policy, Stabilization Policy, Monetary Policy, The Banking System and The Phillips Curve are explored.R 1,150.00
Micro Economics Supply and Demand - Market ProcessAggregate Supply and Demand, Keynesian Foundations, Fluctuations, Unemployment, Inflation, Fiscal Policy, Stabilization Policy, Monetary Policy, The Banking System and The Phillips Curve are explored.R 380.00
Derivatives Introduction to Equity InvestmentsDerivative Markets and Instruments, Forward, Future, Option and Swap Markets and Contracts; concluding with Risk Management Strategies are the topics covered by this concise, yet comprehensive Course.R 675.00
Global Economic Analysis Global Economic Analysis # 1Comparative Versus Absolute Advantage, Trade-Restricting Devices, Trade Barriers , Foreign Exchange, Direct and Indirect Quotations, Covered Interest Rates, Monetary Policy and much more.R 335.00
The Treasury Series Foreign Exchange Part # 1This series covers all the aspects of foreign exchange and interest rate instruments, and markets. It includes a Foreign Exchange, a Money Market, Derivatives, and an Assets and Liabilties module.R 250.00

Face to Face

If you would like to receive face-to-face training on a specific topic (individual or group) in SA or the UK, e-mail us to tell us your requirement.

Email us at: investorcampus@re4.co.za with your specific education need.

FAIS Courses

We offer a full service FAIS training offering, please click here for details.